Monday, April 28, 2014

The Clientele - Falling Asleep 7'' (Merge, 2014)

The Clientele
Falling Asleep 7''

Rating: 7.5 fancy dances out of 10

The Clientele are definitely one of those bands I'll forget about for long stretches of time, and then I hear some of their dulcet AM radio dream pop and fall in love all over again.  This slab of Carolina blue wax is part of the year-long seven inch subscription series Merge is running throughout 2014, their 25th anniversary.  I'm not a Clientele super-fan but as far as I know both of these tracks are exclusive to this release, and both are fantastic - though I'd personally give a slight nod to the B-side "Orpheus Avenue" as the stronger of the two.  I have a feeling a lot of Clientele fans are going to be spending a nice chunk of change buying this one off of eBay or Discogs. 

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