Monday, June 16, 2014

Lustre King - She's a Bomb 7'' (Actionboy 300, 1996)

Lustre King
She's a Bomb 7''
Actionboy 300

Rating: 6.5 substituted strikers out of 10

I was way into the Lustre King full-length "Shoot the Messenger" and their "We're gonna try to sound pretty much just like Shellac" take on math rock.  I'm not a purist, I love Shellac and most anyone that sounds like them too.  This appears to be the band's first release of any sort, and the pair of songs "She's a Bomb" and "Horsebuilder" are both quite good, though the recording sounds a bit muddy.  These don't seem to appear anywhere else either, for the record. 

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