Guided by Voices
Class Clown Spots a UFO
Guided by Voices Inc.
Rating: Robert Pollard Robert Pollards out of Robert Pollard
I'm not even sure how you review a Guided by Voices record these days, or if there is even any point. It's mostly the original line-up, there are a million songs on the record, and it sounds exactly like you expect a GBV record to sound - some pop gems, some generic tracks, and the occasional dud. "Class Clown Spots a UFO" has nothing on the band's classic years, but it's not an embarrassment either. The title track is great, "They and Them" reminds us why having Tobin Sprout in the band is important, "Starfire" holds orchestral pop beauty, and other songs will transport you back to 1995.
While I might not get as excited for a new GBV album as I once did, it seems impossible to ever dislike what they do.
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