Monday, June 25, 2012

Beach House - Bloom (Sub Pop, 2012)

Beach House
Sub Pop

Rating: 5.5 moon towers out of 10

Is it wrong that anytime I hear Beach House I think "the soundtrack to buying khakis"?  And I don't even mean that to sound as petty and snarky as it does, but every time I hear them it makes me feel like I'm in the Gap or J. Crew.  I also think of the Cocteau Twins, and as near as I can tell Beach House is just the modern cover band version of those guys.  Make no mistake, this is a perfectly fine band, nice music and all that...put it on at a party in the background and you'd probably have a winner.  I can't fathom actively disliking this, I just don't think it could possibly stir up those sort of emotions.  But I continue to be dumbfounded by the bands popularity.  Felt that on the last album and feel it on this newest release.  But more power to them if in these times where it so tough to get ahead in music, that they appear to be winning the game.  Hopefully it helps the Cocteaus sell a few more records too.  

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