Wednesday, December 31, 2003

Sodastream - A Minor Revival (Fortuna Pop, 2003)

A Minor Revival

Fortuna Pop

Rating: 7 ACL tears out of 10

You can call Sodastream the Australian version of Belle & Sebastian, cause that’s pretty much exactly what they sound like (I also hear a bit of Stone Roses in there, but Stone Roses purists – I know a few – would probably kick me in the balls for saying that). Sometimes when bands come out and sound exactly like someone else it bugs me, and other times it doesn’t. I’ve never been able to figure out why that is, but I assume it has something to do with how well they’re doing the ripping off. Sodastream, to be quite honest, does a great job, and I wouldn’t be surprised if I listen to this nearly as much as I do B&S. Well, maybe not quite that much…but still a well played release by these Aussie chamber-popsmiths.

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