Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Blasted Canyons - 2nd Place EP (Castle Face, 2012)

Blasted Canyons
2nd Place EP
Castle Face

Rating: 6 down comforters out of 10

I guess you'd call Blasted Canyons synth-punk or something like that.  You'd probably also call them Joy Division fans, surely a damn near useless description at this point for any band, but still...fitting.  There are probably other bands out there that do it better, but this is still pretty enjoyable - especially the first half of the EP, and super especially the song "Liquid Fiend", which is the closest they come to a straight-forward classic punk sound.  "Holy Geometry" is incredibly catchy as well.  The second half is just decent, nothing to get your panties in a bunch (or unbunch them in the event they were already bunched).  Worth the price of admission though for the two songs I mentioned, two great songs out of six is pretty damn okay these days. 

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